Our Team
Board of Directors
Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, Leah's Polar Hugs’ Board of Directors consists of a skilled team of professionals who have a sincere desire to help save babies born with HIE.

Executive Director
Erin Arciero
As an HIE mom, Erin has direct experience navigating long hospital stays in the NICU, arranging the medications and numerous therapies that a child with HIE may need, and understanding first-hand the stress and emotions HIE families face. Erin has over a decade of experience working in the tourism industry, primarily in marketing and business development. However, with Leah's complications at birth, Erin decided to stay home to care for her medical needs. She currently manages Leah's Polar Hugs and does marketing consulting on the side. Erin also serves on the Family Advisory Board for the Anne & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. Before moving to Chicago in 2009 she received her business degree from the University of Northern British Columbia with a focus in marketing and international business.

Dante Arciero
As an HIE dad, Dante knows what families go through during birth, the subsequent discussions with medical professionals, developmental challenges, and providing the emotional support a mom needs. He is proud to be able to leverage his professional experience financing businesses into supporting a non-profit organization near and dear to his heart. Dante earned a degree in economics and finance from Vanderbilt University.
Get to know more about our incredible team today.